Fields of BusinessShipbuilding

Grab-bucket dredgers
Construction of ships (work vessels, commercial vessels and platforms)
JMU AMTEC boasts an extensive construction record in shipbuilding, including production of numerous crane ships, grab-bucket dredgers, soil-stabilization ships and Ocean Environment Maintenance Ship.
Leveraging this wealth of expertise, the Company proposes designs and specifications to meet customer needs.
Construction Record in Shipbuilding
- Grab-bucket dredgers
Grab-bucket dredgers use grab buckets to scoop up sand from the seabed.
Fully rotating crane, grab bucket, spud* The vessel in the photo is the Daiichi Ryuo Maru, owned by Daioh Shinyo Co., Ltd.
- Boats used for pollution control and transport of sand and mud
This work vessel is used to prevent murkiness caused when earth and sand are dumped into the ocean.
Dredging pump, jib crane* The vessel in the photo is the Daini Ten’yu, owned by Daishin Doboku Co., Ltd.
- Marine crane ships
These work vessels are used to hoist heavy objects, for applications such as port construction and salvaging.
Main crane, auxiliary crane, automatic attitude controller* The vessel in the photo is the Fuji, owned by Fukada Salvage & Marine Works Co. Ltd.
- Sand compaction ships
These work vessels are used to pour sand piles into soft ground, to improve it for construction purposes.
Pile-driver leader, casing unit* The vessel in the photo is the No. 80 Hikari, owned by Nippon Kaiko Co., Ltd.
- Caisson docks
Floating dry dock used in fabricating caissons
Jib crane, ballast* The vessel in the photo is the Oyama 650-34, owned by Yamamoto Seikosho Co., Ltd.
- Semi-submersible barges
This type of work vessel can load and unload cargo in a semi-submersible fashion, by adopting a roll-on/roll-off system and fitting buoyant structures to the bow and stern.
Ballast, ballast-water treatment system* The vessel in the photo is the Ocean Seal II, owned by Fukada Salvage & Marine Works Co. Ltd.
- SEP-type multi-purpose crane ship
Equipped with a fully rotating crane and Self elevating device, this work vessel can be put to work even in regions of ocean with highly challenging weather conditions.
Crane, jackup/leg, dynamic positioning system (DPS)* The vessel in the photo is the CP-8001, owned by Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd
- Ocean Environment Maintenance Ship (Clean Harima)
This ship recovers various garbage and oil floating on the ocean and conducts surveys of water quality and other environmental indices.
Cleaning equipment (garbage remover, articulated crane), oil-recovery equipment, automatic water-quality tester, submarine topographical explorer
- Ocean Environment Survey Vessel (Bay-Clean)
This ship recovers various garbage and oil floating on the ocean and conducts surveys of water quality and other environmental indices.
For inquiries, please contact the followings.
Sales Department 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (closed weekends / public holidays)